Building a sample app
The Personium community publishes a sample application using Personium as open source. These constructions are not essential, but by making them work, you can get an image of an application using Personium and use it as a reference for development.
Please refer to the document on the app repository for the procedure to build each app.
Unit Manager
This is a sample application that manages data on Personium.
This is a sample application for managing applications that uses Personium and launch such applications using Single Sign On flow.
All apps introduced below can be authenticated and launched from the home app.
This is a sample app that shares text with other people.
Personium Calendar
This is a sample application that aggregates and manages data on existing calendar services such as Google Calendar and Office 365 on PDS.
Personium Trails
This is a sample application that captures the location history data accumulated on Google into PDS and allow user to discloses selected data to third parties.
This is a sample application that recommends event information based on the schedules and profile information accumulated on PDS in conjunction with Personium Calendar.