400 | PR400-OD-0001 | JSON parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0002 | OData Query parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0003 | OData $filter Parse Error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0004 | OData EntityKey Parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0005 | $format value [{0}] is invalid. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0006 | request body format error. field [{0}] | |
400 | PR400-OD-0007 | [{0}] | |
400 | PR400-OD-0008 | No such association. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0009 | [{0}] is required. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0010 | Key for Navigation Property should not be specified in $links POST. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0011 | Key for Navigation Property should be specified in $links. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0012 | Specifying the type of [{0}] is invalid. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0013 | $inlinecount value [{0}] is invalid. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0014 | Unknown property was appointed. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0015 | Odata $orderby parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0016 | Single key should not be null. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0017 | OData $select Parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0018 | Number of properties exceeds the limit [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0019 | AssociationEnd do not put request. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0020 | Schema mismatch. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0021 | $batch body format is invalid. Request header format is invalid [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0022 | $batch body format is invalid. Changeset should not have other changeset. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0023 | $batch body parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0024 | [{0}] does not exist. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0025 | [{0}] does not exist. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0026 | OData $expand parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0027 | The index definition of another type already exists. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0028 | OData EntityKey for $links parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0029 | Query value [{0}]=[{1}] is invalid. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0030 | $batch body format is invalid. Too many requests. [{0}] | |
400 | PR400-OD-0031 | Cannot create $links because multiplicity is [1:1]. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0032 | EntityType structure hierarchy exceeds the limit or number of properties exceeds the limit. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0033 | EntityType count exceeds the limit. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0034 | $batch body format is invalid. Request path format is invalid [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0035 | $batch body format is invalid. Request Method not allowed [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0036 | OData Query [{0}] parse error. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0037 | Total of the specified value of $top exceeds the limit. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0038 | $links count exceeds the limit. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0039 | Total of the specified value of $expand exceeds the limit. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0040 | Cannot specify the list type to $orderby. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0041 | Request header {0} value is invalid [{1}]. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0042 | Operation is not supported: {0} | |
400 | PR400-OD-0043 | Unsupported operator specified in query. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0044 | Unsupported function specified in query. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0045 | An unknown property with name ''{0}'' was found. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0046 | Mismatched operand/argument is specified for ''{0}''. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0047 | Operand or argument for ''{0}'' has unsupported/invalid format. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0048 | Unable to parse operand or argument. ''{0}'' | |
400 | PR400-OD-0049 | [{0}] field format error. Cell URL should be normalized URL with http(s) scheme and trailing slash. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0050 | [{0}] field format error. Schema URI should be either normalized URL with http(s) scheme and trailing slash, or URN. | |
400 | PR400-OD-0051 | Query value is invalid. | |
404 | PR404-OD-0000 | Not found. | |
404 | PR404-OD-0001 | No such entity set. | |
404 | PR404-OD-0002 | No such entity. | |
404 | PR404-OD-0003 | No such Navigation Property. | |
409 | PR409-OD-0001 | This entity has related data. | |
409 | PR409-OD-0002 | Links exists already. | |
409 | PR409-OD-0003 | The entity already exists. | |
409 | PR409-OD-0004 | The entity already exists. [{0}] | |
409 | PR409-OD-0005 | The entity already exists. [{0}] | |
409 | PR409-OD-0006 | Relation between EntityTypes already exists. | |
412 | PR412-OD-0001 | If-Match header is required. | |
412 | PR412-OD-0002 | ETag does not match. | |
412 | PR412-OD-0003 | Conflict. | |
415 | PR415-OD-0001 | Unsupported media type:[{0}]. | |
500 | PR500-OD-0001 | Detected a duplicate of the property name:[{0}]. | |
500 | PR500-OD-0002 | Internal data inconsistency detected. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0001 | XML parse error. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0002 | XML content error. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0003 | Invalid depth header value:[{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0004 | Role not found. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0005 | Box not found url:[{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0006 | XML validate error. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0007 | Cannot add any more child resources. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0008 | Hierarchy of the collection is too deep. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0009 | Request header {0} value is invalid [{1}]. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0010 | Header {0} is required. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0011 | Prohibited to move service source collection. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0012 | Prohibited to overwrite collection resource. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0013 | Prohibited to move resource to OData collection. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0014 | Prohibited to move resource to file. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0015 | Prohibited to move box. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0016 | Prohibited to move resource to service collection. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0017 | Prohibited to overwrite service source collection. | |
400 | PR400-DV-0018 | Prohibited to create collection under service source collection. | |
403 | PR403-DV-0001 | Infinite depth is not supported. | |
403 | PR403-DV-0003 | Cannot delete collection if it has any child resources. | |
403 | PR403-DV-0004 | Resource name is invalid [{0}]. | |
403 | PR403-DV-0005 | Destination header value [{0}] equals request URL. | |
404 | PR404-DV-0001 | Resource not found. [{0}]. | |
404 | PR404-DV-0002 | Box not found at [{0}]. | |
404 | PR404-DV-0003 | Cell not found. | |
405 | PR405-DV-0001 | Method not allowed. MKCOL can only be executed on a deleted/non-existent resource. | |
409 | PR409-DV-0001 | intermediate collection [{0}] should be created first. | |
409 | PR409-DV-0002 | File [{0}] already exists. | |
412 | PR412-DV-0001 | ETag does not match. | |
412 | PR412-DV-0002 | Overwrite header is "F" and the destination URL is already mapped to a resource. | |
416 | PR416-DV-0001 | Requested range not satisfiable. | |
500 | PR500-DV-0001 | File system inconsistency detected. | |
500 | PR500-DV-0002 | Dav system inconsistency detected. | |
503 | PR503-DV-0001 | Failed to access the target resource due to concurrent update/delete operation by another process. | |
400 | PR400-SM-0001 | ToRelation [{0}] does not exist. | |
400 | PR400-SM-0002 | ToRelation [{0}] does not have related ExtCell. | |
400 | PR400-SM-0003 | The maximum number of destinations was exceeded. | |
400 | PR400-SM-0004 | Box corresponding to the schema can not be found from the schema-authenticated token. Schema[{0}]. | |
500 | PR500-SM-0001 | Sent Message connection error. | |
500 | PR500-SM-0002 | Sent Message body parse error. | |
400 | PR400-RM-0001 | Requested relation already exists. | |
400 | PR400-RM-0002 | Box corresponding to the schema can not be found. Schema [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-RM-0003 | Box corresponding to the RelationClassURL can not be found. RelationClassURL [{0}]. | |
409 | PR409-RM-0002 | Requested relation does not exists. Type [{0}]. Keys [{1}]. | |
409 | PR409-RM-0004 | Request relation target does not exist. Type [{0}]. Keys [{1}]. | |
409 | PR409-RM-0005 | RequestRelation and RequestRelationTarget is not related. [Type [{0}]. Keys[{1}]] - [Type {2}. Keys[{3}]]. | |
500 | PR500-SC-0001 | Engine connection error. | |
500 | PR500-SC-0002 | File open error. | |
500 | PR500-SC-0003 | File close error. | |
500 | PR500-SC-0004 | IO error. | |
500 | PR500-SC-0005 | Unknown error at Engine. | |
500 | PR500-SC-0006 | Invalid HTTP response was returned from a service. | |
400 | PR400-AU-0001 | Password format is invalid. | |
400 | PR400-AU-0002 | Request parameter is invalid [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-AU-0003 | Personium credential required. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0001 | Authorization required. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0002 | Access token expired. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0003 | Invalid authentication scheme. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0004 | Basic auth format error. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0005 | Authentication failed. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0006 | Token parse error. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0007 | Can not access with refresh token. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0008 | Token dsig error. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0009 | Authentication failed. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0010 | Authentication failed. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0011 | Authentication failed. | |
401 | PR401-AU-0012 | Can not access with password change access token. | |
403 | PR403-AU-0001 | Unit user access required. | |
403 | PR403-AU-0002 | Necessary privilege is lacking. | |
403 | PR403-AU-0003 | This resource can not be accessed by the Unit User specified in authorization header. | |
403 | PR403-AU-0004 | Schema authentication is required to access this resource. | |
403 | PR403-AU-0005 | This resource can not be accessed with the schema that has been authenticated. | |
403 | PR403-AU-0006 | Insufficient schema authorization level. | |
400 | PR400-AZ-0001 | Unsupported response_type. | |
400 | PR400-AZ-0002 | Request parameter is invalid [client_id]. | |
400 | PR400-AZ-0003 | Request parameter is invalid [redirect_uri]. | |
400 | PR400-AZ-0004 | Request parameter is invalid [response_type]. | |
400 | PR400-AZ-0005 | JSON parse error. {0} | |
400 | PR400-AZ-0006 | ID Token encoded invalid. {0} | |
400 | PR400-AZ-0007 | Box not installed. | |
400 | PR400-AZ-0008 | Authorization failed. | |
401 | PR401-AZ-0001 | User cancel. | |
401 | PR401-AZ-0002 | Token authorization error. | |
400 | PR400-EV-0001 | JSON parse error. | |
400 | PR400-EV-0002 | Request header is invalid [X-Personium-RequestKey]. | |
400 | PR400-EV-0003 | [{0}] is required. | |
400 | PR400-EV-0004 | [{0}] field format error. | |
400 | PR400-EV-0005 | Cannot delete current eventLog file. | |
500 | PR500-EV-0001 | Failed to output http response. | |
500 | PR500-EV-0002 | Cannot open archive eventLog file. | |
500 | PR500-EV-0003 | Delete eventLog failed. | |
500 | PR500-SV-0000 | Unknown error. | |
500 | PR500-SV-0001 | Datastore connection error. | |
500 | PR500-SV-0002 | Datastore unknown error. | |
500 | PR500-SV-0003 | Elasticsearch request retry over [{0}]. | |
500 | PR500-SV-0004 | File system access error [{0}]. | |
500 | PR500-SV-0005 | Failed to search from datastore. | |
500 | PR500-SV-0006 | Failed to update data store, and failed to rollback. | |
500 | PR500-SV-0007 | Failed to update data store, and completed to rollback. | |
503 | PR503-SV-0001 | Too many concurrent requests. | |
503 | PR503-SV-0002 | Server connection error. | |
503 | PR503-SV-0003 | Server error. (Lock Manager) Data lock state unknown. | |
503 | PR503-SV-0004 | Service is under maintenance [restoring]. | |
503 | PR503-SV-0005 | Operation is prohibited as one or more disks are almost full. | |
503 | PR503-SV-0006 | Server connection error. (Datastore) | |
400 | PR400-MC-0001 | [{0}] does not exist in the snapshot file. | |
404 | PR404-MC-0001 | URI is not recognized. | |
405 | PR405-MC-0001 | Method not allowed. | |
408 | PR408-MC-0001 | Request timeout in server. | |
409 | PR409-MC-0001 | Cell to be deleted is being accessed by other requests. | |
412 | PR412-MC-0001 | Precondition failed [Header: {0}]. | |
501 | PR501-MC-0001 | Method not implemented. | |
501 | PR501-MC-0002 | Not implemented. [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-CM-0001 | Required key [{0}] missing. | |
400 | PR400-CM-0002 | Field [{0}] format error. Must be [{1}]. | |
400 | PR400-CM-0003 | Unknown key [{0}] specified. | |
400 | PR400-CM-0004 | JSON parse error. [{0}]. | |
409 | PR409-CM-0001 | Cell status is [import failed]. Only Unit Level's APIs, CellImport and GetToken are executable. | |
409 | PR409-CM-0002 | Because [{0}] is being executed, writing to cell can not be done. | |
500 | PR500-CM-0001 | Failed to load the request body for some reason. | |
500 | PR500-CM-0002 | Files I/O error caused [{0}] to fail. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0001 | Request header is not defined or invalid [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0002 | Bar file size too large [{0}B]. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0003 | Bar file entry size too large [{0}, {1}B]. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0004 | Install target box is already registered as Box Schema[{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0005 | Bar file size invalid[{0}, {1}B]. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0006 | [{0}] file format error. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0007 | Cannot open bar file [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0008 | Cannot read bar file [{0}]. | |
400 | PR400-BI-0009 | Invalid bar file structures [{0}]. | |
405 | PR405-BI-0001 | Install target box is already registered [{0}]. | |
500 | PR500-BI-0001 | Failed to output http response. | |
500 | PR500-NW-0000 | Network error. {0} | |
500 | PR500-NW-0001 | HTTP {0} request to {1} failed. Response code : {2}. | |
500 | PR500-NW-0002 | Unexpected response from {0}, where {1} expected. | |
500 | PR500-NW-0003 | Unexpected value from key={0}, where "{1}" value expected. | |
500 | PR500-SV-9999 | Unknown Exception [{0}] {1} | |
500 | PR500-AN-0001 | Root ca certificate setting error. | |
412 | - | ["{0}","{1}","{2}"...] | Return available Personium version number |